Red Kibble from The Expanse by James S.A. Corey

Red Kibble

Red Kibble

Red Kibble has taken many forms in many kitchens from a heavy curry sauce and vegetables to nuggets with sauce. The way it is made in my kitchen is very similar to antipasti stewed vegetables with vegetable protetin nuggets, and a light sauce from the spices.

It is typically thought of in The Expanse universe as "Red Kibble is a dish made of deep-fried, heavily spiced red bean paste balls."

The Expanse is a book series by James S. A. Corey and a video series by Syfy and later Amazon Studios.

Making Red Kibble is as much an exploration of the philosophic elements of future space life as gastrointestinal experimentation.

There are several approaches to Red Kibble and I'll feature others after my own, however the core approaches are:

Bobbie eats Red Kibble.

A sampling of others approach to replicate Red Kibble from The Expanse.

Base Ingredients: Curry Powder, Onion, Garlic, Mushrooms, Plant Protein, Peppers ↓
Spices: Go wild. Paprika and Sriracha give the base coloring. ↕
Red Kibble Preparation ↕
Red Kibble Cooking ↕
Baking Bean Protein Nuggets ↕
Preparing the Vegetables ↕
Stew and Spice to Taste ↕
Finally thicket with yogurt ↕
Red Kibble on Noodles ↑

This page is not referenced in the menu, yet it exists.

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